Tuesday 11 April 2017

Blessed miracle nectar Dukh Bhanjni Beri in Golden Temple Amritsar


History of  Dukh Bhanjni Beri: In Patti city there was an egoistic landlord named Dhuni Chand.He had five beautiful daughters.One day he invited all his daughters and asked them,"who provides you meal ."Four sisters answered ,"Of course you give us everything ."But his youngest daughter Rajni said that there is only God who provides us everything and take care of us. Dhuni Chand got very angry .He married his daughter with a leper.Rajni didnot care about it and took it as almighty's wish. She served his husband with care and love.
                             She took him to many villages.One day she reached near village Tung and keep her husband in shade of  tree near a pond and went to take meal for them.Her husband suddenly saw a wonder.Crows were dipping in the water of pond and they were changed into white colour from black.He was surprised .He tried to go into pond with the help of root of tree.when he took bath ,his disease was totally recovered.When Rajni came back she didn't believe it and she had doubt that this man killed her husband.Then her husband told whole story and cleared her doubts.They thanked to God.
                                 In those days GuruRamdas ji was doing services of Santokhsar Gurdwara.They met Guruji and told about this miracle.Then Guruji blessed them and named this miracle place Dukh Bhanjni Sahib.There was a beri tree so it is called as Dukh Bhanjni Beri as well.Whoever takes bath in holy water with true soul,gets rid of any disease.This beri tree is in parikarma of Golden Temple.Lakhs of devotees take bath in sacred water
 Many devotees recovered their illness too. A girl whose eyesight was gone in an accident came here after hospitalization.She stayed in Golden Temple and took daily bath in Dukh Bhanjni Beri with firm believe in God.Waheguru blessed her faith and she got her eyesight back.
                     ' KAGO HANS KARE'.                                                                                                        (Even crow can become goose when God bless with his love)

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