Tuesday 25 April 2017

How to Meditate and Waheguru Simran


What is Meditation and why it is required:Meditation is an activity in which our mind gets deep rest and internal peace.We are living stressful life.Lot of people are having disease of depression.Meditation gives relax to our brain and soul.Many thoughts come in our mind which make our mood and behavior good or bad.
There are 8 types of thoughts:
1.Negative Thoughts:There are five thieves :Kaam,Krodh,Lobh,Moh,Ahankar (lust,rage,greed,attachment,conceit)inside us which kill calmness of mind.
2.Toxic Thoughts:Thoughts of Anger,Jealous,Revenge destroy peace of mind.These are Toxic Thoughts.
3.Waste Thoughts: Sometimes we are sitting here and our mind is somewhere else . These are wasted thoughts.
4.Positive Thoughts:Control Negativity in mind which make us stay positive in every situation.
5.Elevated Thoughts:These are Religious Thoughts related to God and give us peace and joy.
6.Right Thoughts:These Thoughts show us directions in life.
7.Necessary Thoughts:We are planning for our future step in our Thoughts .These Thoughts are required  and necessary for us.
8. Thoughtless Stage(Sehaj Awastha):This is stage of Divine and joyful experience with the blessing of Almighty.
We can control our negative thoughts if our mind is relaxed.We have to do regular activity to find stability in life.
Waheguru Jaap with Meditation: 'Waheguru' word is Guru Mantra in Sikhism. 'Wahe' means Wonderful and 'Guru' means Lord. Waheguru means 'Wonderful Lord'.Meditation with Waheguru Simran{Jaap} creates love for Guru in our soul. If Simran is done in peace it works differently and negative thoughts can be controlled.At this stage we try to connect with Omnipotent and detach from our outside.
How to do Waheguru Simran:First of all after closing eyes take a deep breath and relax.Keep silence for a while.Process should be in peace so that practice can be done properly.Now observe yourself what is happening in your mind.When you observe yourself with concentration no thought will come at that time.Try to detach yourself from any voice,any movement surrounding you.
Now SPEAK Waheguru as chanting in normal sound and in slow tone.The best thing is to tie a black band on your eyes.Start Meditation from 5 min.to 10 min in beginning.Then extend time according to practice. Make stamina to sit continue in straight position everyday .After repeating the spiritual word now LISTEN to your spoken word.Follow three steps Peaceful environment ,Speaking Waheguru ,Listening Waheguru. The best time to meditate is  3 am to 5 am.At this time toxins can come out from brain and body easily.Regular Waheguru Simran connect us with supreme power and our state of mind gets balance.If there is balance in mind level,our thoughts will not disturb us.So negative thoughts as well can be controlled by Waheguru Simran with Meditation.Every human has spiritual powers in his internal but hard to find that.We are stuck in negative and toxic thoughts.Stay connect with Waheguru and give relax and peace to your soul.One day when Guruji bless a stage comes Thoughtless Stage (Sehaj Awastha)in which world's every attractive thing seems fake and reality comes out in front of you.

1 comment:

  1. Increased awareness of the present moment.
    By maintaining a state of full awareness and calm in every situation of your life, you will enjoy more and better each moment.
