Friday 28 April 2017

Gurdwara Baba Atal near Golden Temple

              'BABA  ATAL' Gurdwara near
                          Golden Temple

Baba Atal Gurdwara is situated near Golden Temple.The nine storied Gurdwara is built in the memory of Baba Atal Rai ji.He was son of sixth Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji and Mata Mahadevi Ji.He was born in 1619 A.D.Baba Atal ji was very wise and mature by nature.He was a deeply religious and intellectual from his early age.Baba means wise old man.He was called Baba because of his wisdom.
                          Guru Hargobind Sahib ji loved his son and used to cuddle him.Guru ji always learnt him ,'God has given you spiritual powers , Don't use it on little things.Don't show and waste your power.'Baba Atal ji used to say his father 'your storehouse can never be empty.'
                       Baba Atal ji used to play with his age mates every evening.He talked very wisely.He had deep meaning in his every logic.All his age mates respected and obeyed him.
              One day Baba Atal ji played on until the night fell.It was mutually agreed that Baba Atal ji would have his turn of playing with bat and Mohan, his playmate would have turn of throwing ball.All it was decided for next morning.They returned home at that time.At that night Mohan got up from his bed. It was pitch dark.He was bitten by cobra.When he screamed,his parents rushed to him.They found him fainting.A Hakim (doctor) came to check him but poison was spread in body and he was dead.
                       Next morning all the playmates reached the playground except Mohan.Atal Rai ji enquired the matter and went straight to Mohan's home.He found him dead . Mohan's parents were in deep mourning.Baba ji said,'Its not possible.Get up Mohan .It's your turn of throwing ball today.'Baba Atal ji touched Mohan and he opened his eyes and spoke Waheguru.The matter of Mohan's revival spread out.Guru Hargobind Sahib ji heard about it.He was not pleased to listen it.He said to his son,"I always told you that you should not use your Spiritual Powers.Guru ji learnt many things and told that he has broken the law of nature.'Baba Atal Rai ji understood the point.He took his holy bath and went to his Meditation Place .He recited Japji Sahib.After that he departed peacefully for his True Home in 1628 A.D.Guru Hargobind Sahib ji heard this and accepted it as wish of Almighty .Baba Atal Rai was just nine years old when he went back to his True Home.Baba Atal 's body was cremated at the spot where he had renounced it.Guru ji announced,'A nine storied memorial will be built here.'Guruji  gave blessings that nobody will remain hungry at your place and every wish will be fulfilled of needy people.' So it is said 'BABA ATAL PAKIAN PAKAYIA KALL' .Langar is available for 24 hours in this Gurdwara.There is Kaulsar Gurdwara on the one side of Baba Atal Gurdwara.Guruji built it in the memory of his true devotee Bibi Kaulan.She was fond of Baba Atal Rai too.
                There is JOT (holy lamp). darshan on ninth floor of Gurdwara . But it has timings in a day to go on top floor.The view of Golden Temple looks so beautiful from here.
                      Waheguru ji ka khalsa
                        Waheguru ji ki fateh     

View of Golden Temple from ninth floor of Gurdwara Baba Atal Sahib.

1 comment:

  1. Standing in the centre of a large tank, Amrit Sarovar, the Golden Temple is the most beautiful aspect of Amritsar.
